Invivo Communications Presents: Covid‑19 and the Science of Soap

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This week, we're excited to share with you a blog post created by our valued partner Invivo Communications. Invivo is an award winning medical marketing agency specializing in digital healthcare and pharmaceutical marketing.

As society begins planning to re-open businesses, protecting ourselves and each other from the coronavirus is still a paramount necessity. As we prepare to get back to a “new normal”, it’s important to remember that we’re armed with one of the oldest weapons in human history: SOAP.

In the global response to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, one of the most potent defenses to slow the spread is to simply wash our hands regularly and thoroughly.

Made by saponification of triglycerides from vegetable or animal oils and fats, soap has been known to clean and defend us from everyday interactions, dating back to 2,800 BCE. But how does soap actually protect us?

We created COVID-19 and the Science of Soap to visualize how soap kills viruses, in order to help you understand and REMEMBER that 20-30 seconds of scrubbing destroys the virus that causes COVID-19.

Covid-19 and the Science of Soap Image

If you’ve touched a surface contaminated with the coronavirus, washing your hands for 20-30 seconds can not only remove the virus from your hands, it can destroy it.

And not just SARS-CoV-2: proper washing with soap also has this effect on other viruses, such as the seasonal flu.

We hope you’ll share this video widely. From all of us at INVIVO: Stay safe, wash those hands, and remember, where there’s soap, there’s hope!