Introducing Paige: AI-Assisted References for Life Sciences

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When we first started Papercurve, we talked to a lot of Medical Affairs, Commercial and Agency professionals about their current process and pain points. At the top of this list of pain points was creating references.

When a medical claim is made in a piece of content, evidence to back up that claim is linked to external reference documents. This allows reviewers to look at the evidence and make a judgement to approve the content based on the reference. Giving reviewers context is critical to a speedy review and approval. 

But there is a problem. The process to create these references is slow and painful. It involved highlighting the text that makes the claim, then hunting through the other document to find the source. This process is repeated potentially hundreds of times in a document and can take hours. We have put a lot of research and development to improve this process. In fact, we released our third-generation reference linking experience based on feedback from our amazing community of users. Even still, we knew we could make it faster, and the only way to do it was with Artificial Intelligence.

We are thrilled to introduce Paige: AI-assisted references for life sciences. The fastest and most accurate way to reference claims in your content. 

Here’s how Paige works in a nutshell. You highlight the section of text in your document that you want to reference. That text is sent through our Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine that truly understands the intent of what’s being written. Based on the intent of the text, Paige suggests references based on what other documents have referenced in the past. 

Legacy enterprise solutions take an average of one minute and forty seconds to create a reference. With Paige, that time is cut to under ten seconds, a 10x improvement. This saves hours of time creating references compared to the manual process. 

Paige also helps with training new employees. Imagine you have tasked a newly hired employee to reference the latest detail aid document. They wouldn’t have any idea where to start. Have those references been created already? Am I linking to the correct references? With Paige, you’ll reduce the learning curve to new people and reduce risk to the company. 

This release has been the culmination of an incredible amount of work and we’re excited to share it with you all. And this is just the beginning of our AI capabilities. We have an incredible roadmap that will help you work smarter and reduce risk.

For more information about Paige, book some time with us.