Helping Speed Up Your Medical Legal Regulatory Review Process

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At Papercurve we believe in a set of core values that align with unlocking the most for our clients. Part of our core values involves helping our clients unlock employee efficiency and effectiveness. This is a value we believe sets us apart from our competitors. Our customer success along with our engineering department work together to assess where value can be unlocked.

In this article, we discuss how our core values helped us unlock a 20.21x improvement in the feedback loop with one of our clients.

Requesting feedback in document reviews

A big part of the document review process is simply asking for feedback from reviewers and key opinion leaders. Papercurve allows easy collaboration in a secure manner for the individuals involved in any given review. Some feedback does require attention from specific individuals and this can lead to a longer review time if feedback is not given in a timely manner.

With Papercurve, we can provide a helping hand by looking at the average approval time to assess if there are any bottlenecks in the process. Our custom metrics monitoring system will raise any anomalies which our customer success agent will summarize and provide options for you to enact in order to get the most out of Papercurve and lessen your review teams turnaround time.

A continually evolving platform (@mentions)

With Papercurve at your side you will get a platform that improves consistently over time. We release features based on our R&D initiatives, our product roadmap, and even feedback from our clients to help prioritize the features on our roadmap.

In Q4 of 2020, we released our @mentions feature which allows collaborators on a review team to directly target a user or multiple users to take action on some feedback. By doing this you alert the reviewer specifically and provide them the context and a link directly to the section in your document that needs action. Adding this helps reduce the review time by ensuring request for changes do not get missed and people are not manually digging through a shared file system for the document and the section of the document that requires modification.

Helping your review team optimize their process

In the first example we have one of our clients’ medical reviewers request some changes.

This eventually gets resolved and responded to but the timing is not ideal with their response time being 4.45 days.

In another example we have something very similar.

A specific request to change the content that should be an easy update but again we find the response time being 5.438 days.

These response times were definitely not ideal and our custom metrics monitor alerted our customer success to take action to ensure we’re not only providing a great platform to collaborate and review content on but also making sure our clients get the most out of it with assistance from the Papercurve team.

In the case of slow feedback response times, our customer success team alerted our client where the bottleneck existed. Our client’s request for feedback  behaviour had an average of 4.43 days of response time. (Does this sound familiar to your organization? - Feel free to contact us to discuss)

To compare this with another client who’s review team did a bit better with an average of 1.702 days of response time.

After informing our client of the situation we recommended that they utilize our @mentions feature to speed up collaboration and get to approval quicker.

Our customer success team provided training on the feature and ensured to extend any further training to the review team involved.

Once training was completed, we saw a larger usage of our @mentions feature and wanted to see what our metrics monitoring now reported on review response times.

Every minute counts

After training of the @mentions feature, we wanted to show our clients the change in response turnaround time. In the following example Papercurve provided, we have the same members of the review team engaging with each other but the results are very different.

Now with the use of @mentions a notification is sent to Miah Barnard with a link directly to the document and the section of that document requiring a response. This removes the need of Miah navigating manually to the document and keeps Miah within the context of Allison’s request. The response time when using @mentions was 4.13 minutes!

After the training and review teams adopting the @mentions feature, the response turnaround times improved 20.21x faster than when members did not utilize the @mention feature. Instead of an average turnaround time to respond in a matter of a few days, it was within several minutes which was orders of magnitude better.

Striving to unlock your review team

Papercurve has created one of the easiest to use platforms for document review and approvals. Our reviews and testimonials from users have a common theme, it’s easy to use (contact us if you’d like to see testimonials or discuss this topic!).

However, easy to use software that improves continuously is only part of the puzzle. We’re constantly working with you to improve performance of your review team. With analytics, custom metrics monitoring, and an engaged customer success team working with you, we are able to  unlock the potential of review teams.