Exploring Papercurve as an Alternative to Veeva: Which solution is right for your team?

 Published on
May 30, 2023
minutes to read

When it comes to creating and managing promotional materials in the life science industry, Veeva Vault has long been a prominent name. It's been the “comfortable” software choice.

However, before making a hasty decision to invest in Veeva, it's important to consider alternative review solutions that may better meet your needs, save you valuable time and money, and alleviate frustrations.

Let me introduce you to Papercurve, a robust software solution that was created to challenge the status quo of traditional life sciences software. By recognizing the challenges, time constraints, and difficulties that accompany the adoption of antiquated systems like Veeva, it became clear that a change was needed.

Papercurve emerged as a result of this realization, offering an improved approach to meet the demands of the industry.

Papercurve is a modern, intuitive platform that offers best in class team adoption,  ongoing support, fast setup, and an array innovative features.

In this article, we'll explore 8 key reasons why Papercurve may be a better suited solution for your company’s growth trajectory.


Usability: A User-Friendly and Modern Approach

Papercurve stands out with its modern and sleek platform, designed to provide an intuitive user experience. It is equipped with state-of-the-art tools that are tailored to meet the needs of the user, effectively minimizing manual tasks and simplifying their daily workflow.

On the other hand, Veeva's complex, outdated platform often poses usability challenges, leading to excess support requests and decreased productivity for its users. Platforms that are difficult to use often result in no one using them at all. Teams will end up paying thousands of dollars without reaping the benefits of the software.

Support: Dedicated Customer Success Representative

When it comes to customer support, Papercurve goes the extra mile. With a dedicated customer success representative, you can work with confidence that all of your questions and/or concerns will be addressed promptly. Our team values and incorporates your feedback to continuously improve your experience on the platform, and going as far as developing custom tools that cater to your organizational needs.

Read about how Papercurve implemented auto-generated Job IDs for one of our super users, ensuring a high level of consistency and traceability throughout their documents, here.

Here is what another one of our users had to say about our team:

“Papercurve proactively recommended solutions to problems, implemented those solutions, and worked with us to ensure we understood how best to use them.” -Terry Reid, Director Legal & Compliance @ Fresenius Kabi

Read full testimonials

On the contrary, Veeva lacks a reliable support team, requiring companies to reach out to third-party vendors to resolve their issues and ultimately, delaying approvals and creating disruptions in your workflow.


Setup: Implementation at no cost, in less than a week

Time is of the essence, especially when implementing a new platform. Our Papercurve team offers a quick and hassle-free setup at no extra cost – your team could be up and running within just a few days. You won't have to depend on an external IT firm, mitigating the risks of complications and lengthy delays.

In contrast, Veeva's implementation process can drag on for months and requires the involvement of third-party IT consultants at an additional cost. Any ongoing support requests and their associated fees will have to be paid out as problems arise, on top of the user licenses purchased, which can have a negative impact on budgeting requirements.


Training: Best in class user adoption

Successful adoption of any new software relies on proper training and onboarding. Papercurve provides free, unlimited training, ensuring your team feels confident and empowered to use the platform effectively. Our team meets with you, walks you through the platform, and is always available through our live chat feature to answer any further questions.

On the other hand, Veeva charges an additional fee for certification, limiting the accessibility of training resources. The process is painfully slow as the platform is so complex, and expensive.


References: Leveraging AI and Machine Learning

Efficiently managing references is crucial in the pharmaceutical industry, and just the tiniest error can be costly. Papercurve makes this process simple, efficient and accurate, by leveraging AI and machine learning. When linking references, Paige AI suggests previously created references, so users don't have to go back and reread the document and locate the claim, simplifying the process and making it 10x quicker.

Papercurve's References Powered by Paige AI

Veeva, on the other hand, relies on manual linking of references, a time-consuming task that can be prone to errors.


Cost: Transparent and Affordable Pricing

Budget considerations are always important. Papercurve offers tiered pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes, ensuring you pay for what you need, at an affordable and reasonable price.

In contrast, Veeva's total cost of ownership is notoriously high, averaging six figures, potentially straining your financial resources. In addition, teams are unlikely to use such a complex platform consistently, lowering its cost-benefit significantly.


Product Claims: Advanced Text Recognition

Product claims, which are approved phrases usable in promotional content, can be efficiently managed through Papercurve. The platform effectively stores and organizes product claims, leveraging the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify and recognize similar phrases in your content. This ensures that only the proper terminology is used in promotional content, reducing any costly errors.

Papercurve's Product Claims Powered by Paige AI

In contrast, Veeva only recognizes exact text matches, which can pose challenges in locating specific claims or even determining the existence of similar claims.

External Collaboration: Expanded Collaboration Possibilities

A lot of the time, content will need to be reviewed by external stakeholders, such as Key Opinion Leaders, who are not in your workspace. Instead of sending KOLs emails to content, which makes the review process slow and inefficient, Papercurve enables collaboration on content with anyone outside of your workspace by simply sending a Review Link. Read more.

Papercurve's Review Link

Veeva restricts access to users with licenses within your organization, complicating collaboration with external stakeholders.

While Veeva may have established itself as the market leader and comfortable solution, it's crucial to consider alternatives that offer a more user-friendly experience, and will not cost you as much money and time.

It’s important to do your research before committing to a long-term solution. Papercurve offers a four-month pilot project, so your team can experience the benefits of Papercurve before making a commitment (even though we’re sure you’ll want to stick around!)

If you're currently using Veeva and hesitant to switch due to concerns about the migration process, rest assured that our team can quickly and efficiently transfer all of your content to our platform.

Not only will this transition be hassle-free, but you'll also experience significant long-term time savings by using our platform instead of Veeva.


Schedule a discovery call and our team would be more than happy to demonstrate the unique features and advantages of our platform compared to Veeva.